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Туристическая компания «Юнитрэвэл»

г. Хабаровск

(4212) 47-55-57, 47-55-58, 47-55-59 WhatsApp +7-909-800-07-50


196011423 − Елена196011423 − Елена

472141961 - Марина472141961 - Марина

г. Санкт-Петербург

(911) 992-98-06


601043038 − Оксана601043038 − Оксана

Внутренний курс
валют на:

07 февраля 2025 г.

$ 1 = 0,00 ⃏

€ 1 = 0,00 ⃏

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About Company

“Unitravel” Company works on the market of international tourism since 1996, is included in the Uniform Federal register of tour operators with assignment of the registered number of MVT 012772, the size of the financial providing of 30 million rubles.

The company's head office is located in Khabarovsk.

For the past 19 years "Unitravel” is one of the leading tour operators in areas such as China, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and other countries in South-East Asia. In addition to the basic directions we are tour operators in the countries of Europe, Latin America, USA and many others. Among our proposals are tours through Russia and, from the classic excursion programs to the extreme tours of any difficulty level. Special attention is paid to educational and health tourism. Among our partners are the best clinics of Israel, the Czech Republic, South Korea, Indonesia and the Philippines, and Universities and colleges in many countries of the world.

In 2009 the company "Unitravel” opened representative office in St. Petersburg. New direction of our work was the reception of tourists in Saint-Petersburg and the Leningrad region. At the present moment we are ready to offer a professional service and advantageous variants of cooperation for the reception of the Russian and foreign tourist groups (schoolchildren, students, adults), as well as a variety of copyright and individual programs.

We pay special attention to corporate clients, offering a wide range of services according to all wishes and requests and offer comfortable scheme of cooperation profitable.

To their achievements we also consider the developed network of agents who have chosen the company "Unitravel”as a reliable partner and for these years became our real friends.

For tourists, dreaming about the exotic unique journeys, the employees of the company "Unitravel” is always glad to make a tour of any complexity and in any direction.

We know the world, appreciate every client! With respect and hope on further cooperation, Collective of the company "Unitravel”.


74 Komsomolskaya st.,office #8
Khabarovsk 680000 Russia

Ph/fax +7 (4212) 47-55-57
Ph/fax +7 (4212) 47-55-58
Ph/fax +7 (4212) 47-55-59

E-mail: uni@unitravel.ru
Whats App + 7 924 415 99 77

2,A.Nevskogo sq, office #320
St. Petersburg 191317 Russia

Ph/fax +7 (812) 640 08 99

e-mail: uni-spb@mail.ru